Sunday, October 19, 2008


tempted - an it girl novel
written by: Cecily Von Ziegesar

Overall this was a great book. It was a very good read and always kept me wondering what's next? The return of Jenny and the fall of Tinsley was jsut what this book needed, Drama! The two "it girls" on campus got stuck in a car ride together for 6 hours going to save their best friend, Callie, who was at a horrible rehab center. She asked her mom for a large check so she could pay off the lady from the miller farm and get jenny off the hook for the fire. Her mom though it was to pay a drug dealer, so she told Callie she was sending her to a spa when it really was a rehab facility. Even though Jenny and Tinsley didnt save Callie in time, the one person Callie never thought she would talk to again showed up and rescued her from death, Easy. Easy scouped her up and brought her back on a small, warm plane. As soon as they landed Dean Marymount was there to tell Easy it was his last time and he alread had a warning about leaving campus, so he is going to get expelled. Even though Callie and Easy both thought they could re try their relationship, Easy being expelled wont help.

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