Sunday, October 5, 2008


Angelina: "We're going to have more kids"
written by: Valerie Nome

Dear Brad and Angelina,

I am writing to you on behalf of your article in ok! magazine saying you guys are going to have more children. I understand that it must be great being a parent. Also its very cool that you guys have adopted kids as well as a few of your own. The world today is quickly becoming over populated. With you guys having 6 kids now and wanting to have more, will impact the world. Also having children can be difficult. It can impact your health greatly. You can catch illnesses from the kids as well as be sleep deprived. Having kids wake up in the middle of the night, having different sleeping scedules, ect. can be hard on yourselfs. Another reason not to have more kids is so one of them never feels left out. Sharing your time between 6 or more kids can be difficult. One might feel the others are getting more attention and that is hard on a child.

1 comment:

Miggs said...

Hey Kjersten,

I think you gave some pretty good advice for Brangelina. It seems like a person often reads an article like the one you saw in OK Magazine about famous people, and the reader doesn't really think about what she would say to these people if she had the chance. Because while Brad and Angelina talk about the positive aspects of being a parent, they don't mention the negatives, which you were right to point out. Why don't you think Angelina mentions any negatives in the article?