Sunday, March 8, 2009

Global Issue

ROSENTHAL, ELISABETH. "Science Panel Calls Global Warming ‘Unequivocal’." New York Times 3 Feb 2007 8 Mar 2009 .

Global Warming. Everyone knows about it and either they believe in it...or they dont. Everywhere around the world it keeps getting warmer. Weather its from the cars, the builidings, or us, it is happening. Scientists have been doing so much research on this issue that is effecting our whole world. The polar bears might become extinct because of this issue. This article talks about the scientists researching this issue. They found a lot of evidence that global warming is there. Another scientist claims that global warmin is 'unequivocal' and that the cause of global warming is that the human is most likely the cause of this global problem. The worlds temperatures have been climbing since the 1950's and at this rate it might not stop unless we cut down on all our pollustions and find other ways to go through everyday life without so much chemicals that is literally destroying our earth right in front of our eyes.

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