Sunday, March 1, 2009


Mehta, Suketu. "Bollywood Confidential." New York Times 14 11 2004 1 Mar 2009 .

Bollywood movies. Everyone has seen one, and everyone loves them, the indian people especially. One man even says that how could you not love them? You are born with them. They are apart of the culture. Just like us americans have our obsessions with movies, they have them with theirs. They have their own movie stars who they idolize and follow around with paparazzi. Its not just the Indians who love the Bollywood movies, its the rest of the world. Bollywood movies have been seen everywhere and there is a wide range of them also in different languages. Everyone loves the Bollywood movies because they are 'pre-cynical. They say that Bollywood loves to portray ture love, motherhood, and melodramatic. Wherever you go, or whoever you talk to has probably seen a Bollywood movie and loved it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

India, basically known for its good culture and tradition. Every year thousands of visitors come to see this spiritual incredible land. But one thing in this from small to old every one is interested in cricket and hindi movies. I mean bollywood movies. Every year more than 4oo movies releases and its the highest amount as comparing other bollywood movies