Tuesday, February 17, 2009



for this blog, i watched an episode of gossip girl. Chuck's dad has been in a huge car accident and died. Chuck lost all his hope and just wanted to give up on life. There is one person who never stopped believing in him...Blaire. She would do everything for him, she took care of him after the accident and even brought him to the funeral. Chuck was so down in the dumps that he would just keep pushing blaire away even though she kept trying to help. One day, after the funeral chuck stormed out of the room with blaire right on his tail, she followed him out to his limo, there she confessed her love to chuck and said that she wont loose hope in him and she will stick with him through it all because she loves him. His only response was "thats just too bad" and then drove away. Blaire then was so sad about this whole incident and tried to just move on and forget about him. A couple days later, Blair's housekeeper tells her that someone is waiting for her in her room, it was chuck. She runs to his side and holds him while he cries. Blaire never lost hope in chuck, and even though he might have for a little bit, she was there for him until he realized it. Even though sometimes in life you loose hope there is someone out there who will be there to listen, to be a shoulder to cry on, or to hold your hand through it all.

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