Tuesday, April 28, 2009

blog post 2

For this blog post i will be talking about the quote "and so the lion fell in love with the lamb." This quote is a comparison but also at the same time in a way personification. Its taking the lion, and saying it fell in love with a lamb. This quote was said by edward to bella in one of the chapters. They are talking and edward uses this to show that he is the lion, who is very harmful and even thought they look soft and cuddly really arent. The lion represents that even though he looks cute and cuddly he isnt. Also shows that he is very harmful. The lamb is used to show what bella really is. She is the little innocent creature who is very fragile and can be hurt very easy. She is easy to break and in edwards case want to eat. In real life the lion's eat the lambs, and usually vampires eat humans...not fall in love with them. But in this case edward and bella falll in love which isnt usual and very unnatural. Even though their love isnt normal they love eachother and will continue to love eachother no matter what. Edward will always be there to protect Bella and will not harm her.

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