Tuesday, January 6, 2009

blog 13

Obama's wheels: Secret Service to unveil new presidential limo
written by: Mike M. Ahlers and Eric Marrapodi

Now that Barack Obama is going to be the new president of the united states, the secret service thought it would be cool to get him a new limousine. Since Obama likes going green and hybrid cars, this is supposedly hybrid also...even thought it burns desil fuel. THe car is a cadillac, but very ugly on the outside. Half of it looks like a really nice car, then the other part looks like a tank. This car has 8 inch think windows and doors and can withstand a 'direct hit from an astroid.' Another thing thats really cool about this is that when the president goes inside the car he cant hear any noises from the everyday life outside, so its very secluded. Even though you cant hear outside, you are still connected to the outside world..there is internet and phones in the car too! This car sounds like it will be a good thing for the new president!


Haley said...

That sounds sweet. I want one haha

molly b said...

i was just going to say what haley said..haha i want to see this!